A few days ago, I was in an online chat
room arguing about “White Privilege” with a nincompoop. What he
was saying was absurd-he changed his argument with each post, it was clear to me that he was basically a lemming who had given
no real thought to what he actually believed, and that he was just parroting
what media outlets had told him.
Nincompoops generally irritate me for
about five minutes, then I leave them in the dust and move on to the
next relevant thing in my life.
But what has stuck with me for days
from that discussion was the Black woman who posted (I am going to
paraphrase because I can't find her original post to copy and paste,
and I'm not sure if that's rude or unethical to do anyways without
her permission) that “Being Black sucks and I am happy my daughter
can pass for White. I hope her features and coloring don't change as
she grows up [to look more “Black].”
Oh. My. God.
I just sat there and stared at the
screen, absorbing her typed words. I can't get them out of my head,
and I have gone back and forth over how I wanted to approach this
issue, IF I even wanted to approach this issue, because it's such a
loaded one, and I am continually told that I have no RIGHT to speak
to these types of things, because I am White.
But since it's been cycling through my
brain for three days now, and woke me up at 6:30 am on a Sunday, one
of the only days of the week I can sleep as late as I want to, I'm
going to go ahead and insist I do have the right to speak on this
issue, and I hope that what I have to say about it can be taken with
thoughtful consideration by persons of all colors who might stumble
upon this entry.
Firstly, I have some questions.
Who taught this mother that the color
of her skin was wrong? Was it a White person? Was it the media? Was
it her own Black parents? Grandparents? Why is anyone teaching their
kid that one color is “better” than another color? Why is anyone
giving the message to their child that they should be ashamed of how
they look? That their life will be hard, and disappointing, and
dangerous, no matter how smart they are, or how hard they try? That
they will never be good enough, or accepted, or appreciated, or
respected, or valued, because they have a Black parent? Because that
is the message this little girl is getting from her mother. And when
one woman admits to such a thing, it makes me certain that there are
more than just her who are perpetuating this horrible legacy.
It makes me certain that this type of
thinking has been passed down through generations of families, and in
fact, I have heard it from other Black parents...parents who teach
their children that they must behave a certain way so as not to be
arrested or abused by authorities for “walking while Black” or
“driving while Black.” That little Black girls should straighten
their hair so as to avoid their natural texture and curl. Pop stars
who wear blonde wigs and blonde weaves, and get blue contacts. Black people
who can “pass for White” and how this is a event that inspires
jealousy amongst their darker skinned acquaintances.
Black parents, teachers, media
darlings, and other role models who are teaching children, through
their actions, their attitudes, their words, and their attentions
that being Black is not ok...YOU are causing the problems with your
kids! YOU are responsible for the little boys and girls who grow up
and are lost, without an identity, unsure where they are supposed to
fit in, how they are “supposed” to behave, who feel ashamed and
angry that they are Black, victimized in a “White World" (as a
point of fact, statisticians have shown approx. 70% of the world's
population is not "White" and 30% is "White"...see here for the figures http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/populate.asp ~~we
do not live in a “White World” no matter how it may feel to
people sometimes) and thus willing to turn to drugs, gangs, a life of
crime, a lack of respect for authority, the disinterest in pursuing
an education or any of the other social issues that statistics claim
plague the Black community.
I say this because I know what happens
when people are told they aren't good enough and won't amount to
anything. They believe it. They believe it, and then they tell their
kids the same horrible things, and their kids believe it, too. This
defeatist cycle becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and lives are
ALL lives matter. ALL children have the
potential to do great things. NO parent should be teaching their
child to de-value themselves or others because of their skin color,
or that their place in the world is lesser than any other.
This is not something that can be
achieved by rallies, and protests. This is something that can only be
achieved one family at a time. One parent at a time modeling
self-worth, modeling what it means to belong to a community, modeling
and teaching that you must first respect and value yourself before
others will do so, because we teach people how to treat us.
These lessons are not skin-hue
specific. This is the responsibility of every parent, every teacher,
and while it should be the responsibility of every boob who pops up
on our television screens, that will never happen, so yes, it makes
the parent's job that much harder, but that's just the way it is.
White parents can spend all the energy
in the world teaching their kids that they shouldn't judge a person's
value or worth based on the color of their skin, but if Black kids
are getting the message from their own parents that “Being White is
better,” it's all for naught.
Your kids look to you to see how they
should behave. Before they can talk, before you think they can even
hear you or interpret your words, they are learning. They are
learning how you feel about yourself, they are learning their own
place in the world, they are learning their own value and self worth,
and my God, you had better be teaching them that they are worth more
than all the riches in the world and that they deserve a good life,
and that their skin color is completely irrelevant to these facts.
Instead of me just talking TO anyone reading this, I'd like to invite you to post a comment below if you've ever experienced someone from your own community making you feel ashamed of your own skin...is this issue something that occurs very rarely? Regularly? I am getting the impression that it's way more common than people realize or care to admit, but maybe that's not true. Please help by contributing to the discussion...when people can share their own experiences, we all understand an issue a little better. Thank you!
Instead of me just talking TO anyone reading this, I'd like to invite you to post a comment below if you've ever experienced someone from your own community making you feel ashamed of your own skin...is this issue something that occurs very rarely? Regularly? I am getting the impression that it's way more common than people realize or care to admit, but maybe that's not true. Please help by contributing to the discussion...when people can share their own experiences, we all understand an issue a little better. Thank you!